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Anticancer Diets

Healthy or “Anticancer” diets are designed to help you fight cancer by strengthening your immunity, decreasing inflammation, & ensuring you receive all the nutrients you need to remain healthy & have a good quality of life. You can do this by incorporating some kinds of foods in your daily diet while eliminating, or at the very least, reducing the consumption of others.

So here are some foods you should consider including in your diet if you are a cancer patient, or you want to prevent it. 🌿Oatmeal - has a variety of nutrients that can be beneficial to your body during cancer treatment. It has many complex carbohydrates, protein, antioxidants, & a higher amount of good fats than other grains. It also aids in regulating the intestines due to the presence of beta-glucan, a kind of soluble fiber (prebiotic) that feeds the beneficial bacteria in your stomach. 🥚Eggs - A substantial amount of protein & fat in eggs may help combat fatigue that cancer patients experience. A single medium-sized egg has almost 6 grams of protein & 4 grams of fat, making it a powerful anti-fatigue food. 🥜Nuts And Almonds Not only are nuts such as almonds & cashews convenient to carry with you on the move, but they also have significant quantities of protein, healthy fats, vitamins, & minerals. Almonds are a good source of manganese & copper. These minerals combine to produce superoxide dismutase enzymes, among the most powerful antioxidants in the body. Antioxidants aid in the battle against free radicals, which cause cell damage. 🥑 Avocado When people have cancer, they usually suffer from a loss of appetite. Even if you don't have much appetite, avocados may provide you with the calories & minerals you need. It contains a very high concentration of beneficial monounsaturated fat which can help reduce LDL (bad) cholesterol while increasing HDL (good) cholesterol. It also has a significant amount of fiber that helps to bulk up your stool & provides food for the beneficial bacteria in your stomach. 🥦Broccoli Broccoli can be cooked in a variety of ways that are nutritious & tasty. All cruciferous vegetables (such as cauliflower, cabbage, & kale) contain cancer-fighting properties. Broccoli is the only one that contains a significant amount of sulforaphane. This particularly potent compound increases the production of cancer-fighting enzymes & helps the body eliminate cancer-causing chemicals. 🐟 Fish We get Vitamin D from exposure to the sun (which may be limited during cancer treatment). We can also get Vitamin D in some foods, such as oily fish. Fish is great to consume as it contains protein & omega-3 fatty acids. It is recommended that you consume two portions of fish each week if you are a seafood fan. Omega-3 fatty acids are essential lipids & the nutrients they contain are beneficial to brain function & have anti-inflammatory effects. Salmon & herring, are a good source of vitamin D, essential for maintaining optimal bone & immunological health. by Dr. Liz.


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