There are several diet suggestions and many health advice on the internet, but what really works for you ? and what's better for your health?
Did you know?
That 'lite/light' foods can be unhealthy? In fact, 'Lite/Light' doesn't necessarily describe calorie intake and is used to describe the flavor, salt, or fat content. In the case of yogurts, light yogurts often have a lot of added sugar and would not be my first choice. Light olive oil describes the processing and has the same amount of fat and calories as other olive oil.
Food ratings can be misleading. While ratings can be used as a guide - good ratings don't always equate to a healthy food. Ratings can also encourage food manufacturers to tweak a generally unhealthy product to give it a better rating (e.g. add-in bits that have been removed in the processing). Not all foods with a high Health Star Rating are considered healthy and in fact, maybe highly processed and should only be eaten occasionally. If it can be confusing for a nutritionist and requires time, expertise and experience to sift through all the science, products, and recommendations, how are you supposed to know what to eat for better health?
It's OK if you are confused! Unless you are a scientist or researcher, it is easy to become overwhelmed with the myriad of doctors' diagnoses, recommendations, pills, potions, and information (some of it misinformation) swirling around in the media.
My mission is to help you get clarity on the best foods to eat for YOU. You will have the confidence to get healthy and stay healthy by breaking down the complex science into easy-to-understand and practical tips you can implement today. As you know there are no guarantees but if you have a healthy plan it's like an insurance policy to give you peace of mind that you are doing all you can to look after the health of you and your family.
#heathylifestyle #healthydiet #diet #immunity